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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

@ HACKING SYSTEM @ Mobile & Pc

Is your mobile phone safe from hackers? What would you do if somebody broke into your mobile phone and stole all your sensitive e-mail? What about if someone cloned your phone and made countless long-distance phone calls? What if your address book got stolen and your loved ones started receiving malicious phone calls? What if someone broke into your mobile phone and used it to transfer funds out of your bank account? Although mobile phones are valuable tools for exchanging photos with loved ones, getting the latest sports updates, buying and selling stocks, and even running entire businesses, they have also become more dangerous than you might ever imagine. Computer criminals can hack into mobile phones to intercept data; spread viruses, worms, and mobile Trojans; steal identities; and much MORE.
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1 comments: on "@ HACKING SYSTEM @ Mobile & Pc"

/\nuj kumar said...


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